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RollerKick™ 60 day money back guarantee.
Hey we get it, it may be hard to trust a product or service when shopping online. That's why we're proud to offer our 60 day money-back guarantee!
How to claim your money back:
1. To be eligible to claim a refund, a claim must be made within 60 days of claimant receiving the product.
2. To make a claim, simply email a customer care representative at andrew@rollerkick.com a blank email with the subject header "60 Day Money Back Guarantee", sharing your review and money back request.
3. Once approved, return product in the original packaging via a track-able mail service 70 days from date of purchase to the address provided by our customer care representative.
4. Incomplete, indecipherable, or illegal claims will be deemed invalid.
Real postage cost for the sending and return of our handset will be covered by the claimant.
5. Once returned, our product purchase price will be refunded to you.
Thank you and happy shopping with RollerKick!

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